Wanna Become a Programmer?


A  few days ago I received a newsletter by Daily Worth a leading multi-platform financial media company for women who want more net worth, more self worth, and ultimately, more joy.(I totally recommend signing up to their newsletter).

The title of the newsletter was Every Woman Can Learn Programming.

Technology is quickly changing and in the following years we are going to see mega developments in the world of technology. I’ve always debated if I should start learning how to code and between one thing and another, I never had the time to do it. When I received this email, it was a sign. A sign to start.

“About 250,000 new software developer jobs will be created in the U.S. over the next decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s double the growth rate of jobs overall, and doesn’t count web designers, project managers and marketing positions.”

Here are two beginner-friendly online courses: Skillcrush (a woman-owned business) and Codeacademy.

I suggest trying both. I initially started with Codeacademy and passed on to Skillcrush. Both have different approaches. With Codeacademy I learned basic HTML very quickly. For every module that you finish correctly, you receive a virtual badge, highlighting your accomplishments.

Skillcrush is excellent at explaining the basics with interactive videos and regular newsletters.

After only 1 day of taking both courses, I went ahead and used my newfound knowledge and did some coding myself with this website.

Remember, knowing how to code doesn’t mean you have to become the next Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook guy) or the next Steve Jobs. It can simply help you develop your ideas, tweak existing products you may already own & operate and be a little bit more independent.

And you may also find – as I did with a huge secret smile – that you may even be the type that enjoys this weird form of art.

Why not give it a try? Have you tried these websites? Do you have any suggestions for other free online programming courses for beginners?

Ciao for now!


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