Why is the website called "Happy Healthy Endo"?

I purposely choose to call it this way, because I want you to see Endometriosis in a positive light. I took a long time to personally arrive at this point of view, because the world out there – even the go-to references for endo – tacitly teach you to see yourself of a victim of endometriosis and its often devastating side-effects.  I feel that after my experience, I have a different point of view for you: if you want to, it is possible to live with Endo and still be happy and healthy.

Can I use your images and content?

Absolutely yes. I’m more than happy to share the goodness around for non-commercial use. The only requirement is that you link back to this source, or the original resource I may have taken the image from. This includes also any original graphics on the website.

For more info please read here: creative commons

Are all the images yours?

Nope. If the image is not mine you’ll always find the credited source at the end of the page. If by mistake I don’t credit a specific source, please shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to update the info.

I don't want my photos published in your blog?

All visual materials used here have been used based on permits/licenses available at the time of publishing. If you wish for me to remove your image from my blog, please send me an email and I’ll remove it immediately. (You’ll be missed though :()

Who did the website & graphics for you?

I did it all. I use WordPress as a platform.

Why do you use only Facebook & Twitter as a social media for Happy Healthy Endo?

I already do all the social media for Oreeko.com.*  I prefer to use my time writing helpful and meaningful blogs, rather than taking care of the social media for both sights. Plus, I think there is a certain charm in communicating via email  + comments 🙂

What is Oreeko?

Oreeko will soon be the world’s – no the Universe’s – biggest directory featuring organic, eco and green companies and services.

Can I share my story?

Absolutely yes. I welcome any positive and healthy stories about your journey with endo. Write to me directly at hello (at) happyhealthyendo (dot) com.

Can I comment on your blog?

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts, ideas and stories.

Do you have any children?

At the moment no. I never really had a motherly instinct but never say never. 😉

Are you a vegetarian?

Yes. I was a pescetarian for about 2 years then I become a vegetarian in 2012.


* Oreeko Social Media*

Twitter: https://twitter.com/oreeko
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/oreeko
LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/oreekopage
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/oreeko

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