
Welcome2For many years I’ve debated whether I should write about Endometriosis and my long journey in dealing with it. There are so many of years of chronic fatigue syndrome, pain, tears, stress, experiments, endless hours spend with plenty of doctors and horrible, shameful medical examinations. But amongst all this, I’ve also had plenty of happy and joyous moments.
I feel it’s time to share it all with you and maybe in a small way I could help you not make the same mistakes I did, or – even better – think of what you can do practically to help yourself rather than leaving everything for the next “magic pill” to fix (which it won’t) or to the next surgeon to cut (which he will!).

Back in 2006 on my last surgery, I made my mind up that Endometriosis was my life. I actually felt lucky that I understood what I was suffering from. I had Endometriosis, that meant surgeries every now and again; it meant being stuck in bed for most of the month and it meant living with pain. That was my destiny.

Honestly looking back, I didn’t know I had alternatives or options. Afterall, we are told that once you have Endometriosis, you don’t really have a lot of choices: surgeries, medications and pain.
Could a sick body really get healthy? It had never never ever crossed my mind! But now through my experience I can proudly say that it has been possible for me.

Throughout the years, I’ve learned that I had to take control of my life and I needed to decide what my life had to be, not dictated by statics, genetics, medications and doctors.
It was fundamental for my healing process that I really learned, appreciated and understood my inner-self and my body.
Seven years ago, with my husband’s help – I started discovering a bunch of health “secrets” nobody tells you about. I decided that I would try everything possible to be a healthier version of me. After all, I could always try, fail, and go back to taking side-effect-rich chemical medications or have my body cut open yet again!

Was it easy? Absolutely not! No one gives you a personalized guide on how to become healthy.

I learned that no matter what books I read, which doctors I saw, or which treatments I took, my body is unique.
No two same endometriosis, cancer or diabetic persons are the same. The guidelines might be similar, but what works for you might not work for me. That’s what trying is for.
Another reason why I’ve decided to write this blog, is for you to know that you are not alone and that many women live healthy happy lives despite Endometriosis. It doesn’t have to be a handicap.

You CAN have the dream job of your life, you CAN have the relationship that you long for and you CAN be the person that you want to be. It’s far from easy, I’m still working on it myself, but it’s definitely worth the try.

At this point if you have never heard of Endometriosis, you’ll be probably asking: “What is she talking about?” and if you have heard of Endometriosis, you might think of it as a bunch of crazy hormonal women with painful periods.
Well, whether you have heard of Endometriosis or not, it’s important to get the facts straight and understand what it is and what symptoms you may experience.

If you are suffering or have suffered from Endometriosis, if you have a loved one or a friend that suffers from Endometriosis, feel free to share or sign up to my newsletter so that you won’t miss any Endometriosis blog updates, where I’ll discuss: What is Endometriosis, What are the symptoms of Endometriosis?, What causes it? When is it diagnosed? How is it diagnosed? Should you have surgery? What to do after a surgery? How does it look like? Where do you find it? Can men have Endometriosis? How does it impact my relationships?  Can I have children? Do I need a hysterectomy? Is it contagious? and much much more.


Furthermore I’ll write about  my journey with stage 4 Endometriosis, what worked for me, years of endless experiments and mistakes, all at your fingertips and all for free and interviews with women that transformed their lives.

If you’re interested in trying to become self-sufficient despite endo-related limitations you may experience, I will also share with you business tips on how to start an online presence while you are stuck in bed. Last but not least, I want to give you the possibility to enter into the world of art, music, photography, all things that helped me appreciate the beauty of this world despite the years of pain.

It’s a constant battle but YOU are not alone.



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